CAE Lab Software

Software Title Chemkin
Linux? Yes
XenApp? No
Other Details
Professor Rietz is retired. Professor Rothamer no longer uses Chemkin.

Sage Kokjohn:
I will use Chemkin for ME 769 in the spring. Below are my answers to your questions:

Which courses use this software? ME769
What other instructors depend on this software, and are any of them primary contacts for the software? I do not know
Please indicate if this software used for Instruction, research, or both? Instruction
Do you know of other departments that use it? I do not know.
Is there any special relationship you have with the software vendor that helps us get better pricing or use terms? No. 
Would you find it helpful for your instruction to explore acquiring licenses that allow students to install on their personal laptops? Not necessary.
CHEMKIN is the gold standard for modeling and simulating gas-phase and surface chemistry that is used for the conceptual development of combustion systems in cars, trucks, jet engines, boilers and equipment used in materials processing applications.
Expiration Date permanent
Seats 21